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Passport + ID Photos

Taking passport photos has never been so easy. We offer US passport photos as a walk-in service daily up until 15 minutes before posted closing times. We will take your photo according to the current passport specifications and have it ready in as little as a few minutes.
US Passport Photos

If you're planning on traveling abroad, applying for a US passport is a necessary step. One of the most important parts of the passport application process is submitting a suitable passport photo. We'll guide you through everything you need to know about US passport photos; we know the requirements to the dos and don'ts of taking and submitting them.

Walk-ins are welcome daily up until 15 minutes before posted closing times.

$17.00 Includes two (2) hard copy prints, sized 2" by 2" square.
$3.00 Add On: Electronic downloadable file.
$3.00 Add On: Additional set of prints.
International Passport Photos

International travel requires a valid passport, and getting one requires a suitable passport photo. We know all the requirements to cover everything you need to know about international passport photos, including the best tips for taking a perfect picture.

Photos for international identification are taken BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call to schedule.

$25.00 Includes two (2) hard copy prints, sized to the specification of your country.
$3.00 Add On: Electronic downloadable file.
$3.00 Add On: Additional set of prints.
  • US Passports require a 2x2" glossy photo
  • Smiling is not permitted
  • Hats and other head coverings are not allowed, unless for a religious reason, for which a letter must be submitted with the application
  • Glasses may not be worn in photos
  • Uniforms, clothing that looks like a uniform, and camouflage attire are not acceptable
  • No white/light colored tops
  • Photographs must be taken within the last 6 months for a passport application
  • We do not archive passport photos, so if more copies are needed, please purchase extra copies the same day
  • All US Passports must be taken on a white background without shadows
  • For Canadian Passports, the back of the print must be signed by the studio with the name of the company, address and date taken
A Note Regarding Infants

We are currently unable to take photos of children that cannot support their own heads without assistance. They must be able to sit upright and look directly at the camera. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

New ETIAS requirements for European travel
  • Starting in 2024, U.S. citizens visiting Europe will need to apply for authorization through the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) before they travel.
  • This is not a Visa per se, but an electronic travel authorization called ETIAS. The U.K. will have a separate system as well.
  • ETIAS is an electronic travel authorization. It is linked to a traveler’s passport. It grants short-term entry to European countries for up to 90 days within any 180-day period. However, an ETIAS does not guarantee automatic entry. Upon arrival, a border official will also confirm if you meet the entry rules.
  • To apply for an ETIAS, you can fill out the application form on the official ETIAS website or use the mobile app. There is a fee, but there are some exemptions.
  • ETIAS travel authorization is valid for up to three years or until your passport expires. Starting in 2024, you must have a valid ETIAS during your entire stay, and leaving and re-entering is permitted as long as you respect the 90-day stay limit within 180 days.
*Not responsible for errors and omissions.